Specification tables

Core concepts

Specification tables allow you to organize and group your attributes in a logical way to display them in a meaningful way to your customers.

A specification table is made of one or more groups that contain one or more attributes.


An attribute is one piece of information about a product. It could be anything that would make sense to describe your product, such as a Release date for a CD, the Maximum resolution for a camera, the Volume for an oven, or the Noise level for a washing machine.


If you have a lot of attributes, it can quickly become complex for your customers to find the correct information. To help them, the app allows you to organize your attributes into one or multiple groups.

For instance, "max resolution," "effective pixels" and "sensor size" attributes for a camera could be grouped in a "Sensor" group as they relate to the same element.


Specification & Compare app allows you to add, remove or edit attributes at any time and re-order them. You can therefore start with a simple table structure and change it over time.

How to organize tables?

We recommend you limit the number of specification tables to one per kind of "big" category of products. For instance, creating a different specification table for "Camera", "Washing machine" or "Oven" is a good idea because those products are completely different kind of products that requires different organization.

However, we do not recommend creating too many specialized tables, as it would make maintenance harder. For instance, instead of creating a "Front-load washing machine" and "Top-load washing machine" tables, create a single "Washing machine" table, and make the "Access location" an attribute of the table.

Usually, a good idea to decide if you should create a different specification table is to ask yourself if it would make sense to compare two products. For instance:

  • Does comparing a washing machine with an oven make sense? No, so it is better to have one "Washing machine" and one "Oven" table.
  • Does comparing a t-shirt with a sock make sense? Likely no, so it is better to have one "T-Shirt" and one "Sock" specification table.
  • Does compare a digital camera vs. a film camera? Likely yes, so it is better to have a single "Camera" specification table and add the Digital vs. Film information as an attribute.
Getting started