Product attributes

Linking PDF

You may want an attribute linking to a file, such as a PDF, in your specification tables. This can be used to allow your customers to download an extended PDF specification, a user guide...

While the app does not currently have a built-in attribute type to upload a file, you can easily workaround this by connecting a file metafield.

To do that, create a new metafield definition in your Shopify admin of type "File", and make sure to check the "Accept all file types" setting:

Then, create a new specification table attribute, and select the "Metafield reference" attribute type. Connect this attribute to the metafield definition you created earlier.

Finally, in Shopify product admin, upload the PDF file for each of your products.

The app will automatically detect that this attribute connects to a generic file and will display a "Download link" to download the file:


The "Download file" wording cannot be changed as of today.

Configuring products