

Coming soon (around mid-August 2024)

  • The app admin has undergone a complete rewrite, promising faster speeds and greater stability, paving the way for exciting new features.
  • Added support for a new "File" attribute. You can now upload PDF or extra specification sheets right from the app.
  • Added support for a new "Link" attribute that is made of both a label and a URL.
  • Users can now easily reorder compared products within the app admin interface, offering more control over product organization.
  • Added a new customization setting in the table editor that allows to control the style of borders (solid, dashed or dotted).
  • Introduced a yearly plan. With yearly plans, you can save 2-months per year. To switch to a yearly plan, click on the "App plans" in the app admin.

June 26, 2024

  • In addition to native rating (supported by apps like JudgeMe), the app now can extract rating from Yotpo and Loox reviews app. Yotpo users need to be on a Yotpo plan supporting rich snippets.

June 24, 2024

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following official themes: Turbo, Shine, Elysian, Toyo, Sitar, Release, Energy, Nordic, Polyform, Sleek, Paris.

June 20, 2024

  • The number of attributes per table has been increased from 250-300 to 2500-3000 (depending on attribute titles, tooltips...), to support more complex use cases that some merchants have.

June 10, 2024

  • Added support for metafield references connected to the new "link" metafield type.

June 8, 2024

  • A new "Product description" attribute type has been added. This attribute allows to show the product's description as part of a specification or comparison table, without having to duplicate the information as a metafield.

May 26, 2024

  • Tooltips accessibility have been improved. On Chrome (other browsers will support it soon), we now take advantage of a new browser feature that ensure tooltips remain visible even if they are partially outside the table itself. We also added a fade effect on Chrome when tooltips are toggled.

May 16, 2024

  • The app now enforces sticky attribute names for an improved user experience, even when no colors have been set explicitly. The app tries to automatically detect the main page background to improve the default layout.

May 10, 2024

  • A new "Product collections" attribute type has been added. This attribute allows to show all the collections a product belongs to.
  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following theme: Kalles.

April 29, 2024

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following official themes: Concept, Honey, Essence, Digital, Cornerstone, Blum, Eurus, Influence.

April 27, 2024

  • Comparison table will now show up to 3 columns by default to improve user experience. If more than 3 products are being compared, extra products can be selected in a dropdown. Merchants who prefer to use the old behavior of creating a horizontally scrollable table can still do it, by increasing the Maximum visible products setting.
  • App blocks in the theme editor have been translated into German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese, enhancing accessibility for non-English speakers.

April 23, 2024

  • Tooltips now dynamically open on the left when space is limited, optimizing content visibility on smaller devices like mobile phones.
  • Various cosmetic enhancements have been made to ensure smooth mobile experiences, addressing issues such as multi-line attribute names.

April 15, 2024

  • The layout of multi-column specification tables has been significantly improved.
  • HTML structure for specification and comparison tables has been updated. Each group and its associated attributes are now in their own <tbody> element. This change improves accessibility, and will allow us to add new visual customizations in the future.

April 13, 2024

  • Ukrainian and Russian translations have been added.
  • Performance of variant change detection has been enhanced, and the JS file size has been slightly reduced.

March 27, 2024

  • Comparison table now integrates with Shopify's related products feature. If enabled in the comparison table app block, the app will use the related products specified in Search & Discovery app as a fallback when no other comparison products can be found. This feature allows to simplify the creation of comparison table for large products base.
  • Static comparison tables won't show anymore if only one product (the main page product) is specified. To show specifications of a single product, you should use the dedicated specification table section instead.

March 24, 2024

  • A new "barcode" attribute has been introduced. This attribute automatically re-uses the barcode information from the product, eliminating the need for duplicate barcode information.
  • Translation support has been extended to include Latvian, Lithuanian, and Dutch languages.

March 19, 2024

  • Restrictions on moving specification tables outside their parent sections have been lifted, allowing you to move a specification or comparison table to a different section.

March 14, 2024

  • Static comparison tables can now automatically exclude sold-out products with the new "Exclude sold out products" setting.

February 6, 2024

  • Comparison tables now has an optional button for highlighting attribute differences. When enabled, customers can more easily see the specifications that differ between products, to help them doing a more informed buying decision. Learn more

February 4, 2024

  • Translation support has been extended to include the Arabic language.
  • Cosmetic improvements have been made to color swatches and dropdown selectors for a better visual experience.

January 31, 2024

  • Native color swatch support has been added. When connecting a product option that uses native color swatches, those will be automatically rendered, with fallback color name for optimal accessibility.
  • Spec & Compare app has received the "Built for Shopify" badge, the higher recognition level for a Shopify app.

January 24, 2024

  • The CSS loaded by the app is no longer blocking, which allows to further reduce the performance impact of the app.
  • Checkbox rendering has been improved for better theme integration.

December 7, 2023

  • Product selector dropdown feature has been added to comparison tables, allowing for easier navigation.
  • The maximum number of compared products has been increased to 20, providing more flexibility when comparing products.

December 2, 2023

  • Cosmetic enhancements have been made to dynamic comparison tables for improved aesthetics.

November 16, 2023

  • Custom icons can now be uploaded for attribute names. Custom icons will appear next to the attribute name, making tables more visual and easier to scan.
  • Documentation screenshots have been updated to reflect the new interface.

November 8, 2023

  • "Collection" condition has been added for automatically assigning tables to products.
  • Search feature has been introduced for connecting metafield definitions. This allows merchants with more than 100 metafield definitions to connect them without any issue.

October 10, 2023

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following official themes: Amber, Monaco and Area.
  • Minor bugs in the product attributes editor have been fixed.

September 16, 2023

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the Tailor theme.

September 13, 2023

  • Specification tables can now be moved to different DOM elements. This feature can be used, for instance, to move specification table inside a tab or a collapsible element.
  • Handling of attributes referencing image metafields has been improved for better performance.

September 7, 2023

  • Dynamic comparison feature has been extended to search pages for broader functionality.
  • New settings have been added to control comparison display on various pages for enhanced customization.
  • HTML code in text metafields is now rendered instead of being stripped. This allows merchants to embed complex customizations in attribute values.

August 28, 2023

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following official themes: Kairo, Woodstock, Above, Nostalgia, Unicorn.

August 17, 2023

  • The app design has been updated to align with Shopify's new user interface for a cohesive experience.

July 25, 2023

  • Ordered and unordered lists in rich text metafields now have improved appearance for better readability.

June 3, 2023

  • Accessibility has been improved for true/false metafields to ensure a better user experience for disabled customers.

May 25, 2023

  • Accessibility has been enhanced for displaying product ratings in tables.

May 19, 2023

  • JavaScript file size has been reduced for faster loading times, improving overall performance.

May 16, 2023

  • Support for referencing file metafields has been added. This allows to add, for instance, links to download a PDF file.
  • Styling of URL metafields has been improved to better match theme aesthetics.

May 15, 2023

  • Built-in integration for collection comparison has been added for the following official themes: Athens, Split, Pursuit, Icon, Vision, Yuva, Fashionopolism, Minion, Sahara, Testament, Blockshop, Enterprise, Envy, Mode, Habitat, Spark, Fetch, Combine, North.

May 9, 2023

  • Dynamic comparison feature has been added for collection and product pages (Pro plan only). Dynamic comparison allows merchants to choose which products to compare, directly from product listing and product pages.

May 1, 2023

  • Spec & Compare has been officially released on the Shopify app store.